Once, my cousin, Pat Dixon, called; during the course of the conversation, she encouraged me with these words: \”Antipas, just do God.\”
I hadn\’t heard such a phrase before. It sounded good, but I was not sure of what \”just do God\” means.
However, lately I have been thinking about how important it is to do what God says to do.
That\’s it! To obey God is what it means to \”just do God!\”
Have we forgotten the Christian virtue – obedience? In a world wherein \”doing what we want and how we want\” has become the order of the day, Christians find it a challenge to submit to God\’s way when what He says is contrary to what we want to do.
Early Church father Bishop Ignatius once said,
It is a great delusion in those whose understanding has been darkened by self-love, to think that there is any obedience in the subject who tries to draw the superior to what he wishes.
In other words, obedience means that we must sacrifice our own lusts or desires in submission to God\’s will.
Even Jesus prayed,
Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done (Luke 22:42).
Our Lord demonstrated the virtue of obedience in the recognition that God\’s will is likely to be inconsistent with our own.
We must not become so consumed by the fight for human rights that we fail to remember that there is such a thing as submitting to God\’s way with self-abandonment.
I have a long way to go on this, indeed.
In fact, we can\’t arrive at obedience on our own. We need the power of the Holy Spirit.
The Spirit empowers us to obey God.
In closing, may I invite you to pray the words penned by the notable 19th century preacher, Charles H. Spurgeon?
Lord sanctify us. Oh! That Thy spirit might come and saturate every faculty, subdue every passion, and use every power of our nature for obedience to God.
Let\’s remember how important it is to walk in obedience.
Come Holy Spirit, help us to \”just do God!\”
Dr. Antipas