Hope sparks our imagination concerning the glory on the other side of whatever we may be going through. Imagination sparks happiness.
Philosopher Immanuel Kant once said, \”Happiness is not an ideal of reason, but of imagination.\”
I recently read Roger Crawford\’s story. Crawford is an accomplished tennis player and motivational speaker. But, he is severally physically challenged. Crawford was born with two fingers on each hand and one leg. Having a prosthetic leg, Crawford\’s parents taught him to focus on positive possibilities!
They challenged Crawford with these words, \”What can you imagine?\” Crawford imagined playing tennis. He knew it would be a struggle; yet, he believed that someway, somehow, he could do it!
Crawford found a way and practiced until be mastered the sport!
According to Crawford\’s biography, \”Sports Illustrated has acknowledged Roger Crawford as \’one of the most accomplished physically challenged athletes in the world,\’ In recognition of his extraordinary athletic achievements, he was the recipient of the prestigious ITA Achievement Award, presented by the International Tennis Hall of Fame.\”
In one of Crawford’s motivational speeches, he explained that lived reality comes with struggles, but struggles in and of themselves are not what really what hold us back. Crawford asserted, “Anxiety is what holds us back – the anticipation of a negative event.”
What can you imagine? Imagination speaks to positive possibilities.
Crawford offers this wisdom: \”Being challenged in life is inevitable; being defeated is optional!\”
The Gospel singing group – the Clark Sisters speak of the power of imagining godly possibilities in this way:
I\’m Looking for a miracle
I expect the impossible
I feel the intangible &
I see the invisibleThe Sky is the limit
To what I can have
Just believe and receive it
God will perform it today
Grace & peace,
Dr. Antipas