Are you stuck, looking back and talking about the past?


Indeed, God has done great things. We must never forget to Praise the Lord for what He\’s done.

But, can I share some good news? Our Lord has even more in store for you!
Look back, and appreciate God for what He has done. But, don\’t just keep looking at what used to be. God wants you to look forward to what He is doing and to what He will be doing in your life.
This week, live with greater expectation!
Indeed, God\’s Word never changes. God\’s truth is enduring. His mercy is everlasting. Yet, God is bigger than what we\’ve seen Him do in our lives. Truth is so much bigger than what we\’ve known. God is greater than what we\’ve experienced. There\’s so much more!
Isaiah 43:18–19a states, “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?\”
You may think that the deck seems to be stacked against you right now. Perhaps, you spend too much time reflecting on the past glory days, and wishing those \”good-ole-days\” would come back.
God is able to take every obstacle and make them stepping stones for the springing up of more glorious days. He\’ll help you to beat the odds through Jesus Christ and rejoice in something new.
Do YOU perceive it?
Get ready for what you haven\’t experienced in God. Get ready to learn what you don\’t already know about God\’s power.
Don\’t linger in the past. Open up and receive God\’s new thing. God will do greater acts in your life and through you for others.
Do YOU perceive it?
Let\’s live with great expectation!
Grace & peace,
Dr. Antipas
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This blog site is where I share matters related to society, the church, and the academy. I hope my thoughts are meaningful to you. Theology

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