Harris Convenes the 2nd Oxford Colloquy @ New College

Our Oxford Colloquy debuted in 2023. From March 20 – 24, 2023, the URC partnered with the former Dietrich Bonhoeffer Institute to hold the first Oxford Colloquy at Harris Manchester College at the University of Oxford. Forty-two delegates from different parts of the world, including scholars, bishops, pastors, and religious leaders, to talk about what some people call “racialized Christian nationalism.” The colloquy went beyond its initial intent, where leaders brought their academic content and unique perspectives. They did not all agree. At times, the conversations were quite heated. Yet, with the collective expertise of presenters and a full day of facilitated processing, the leaders were compelled to engage in the long-lost art of civil discourse. 

The seriousness of the topic, which has a history spanning over three millennia and (some argued) is on full display across the US, created a sense of urgency. The gathering was full of insight and diverse perspectives, ranging from ultra-conservative to progressive (both politically and religiously). 

In spring 2024, we are convening the Oxford Colloquy again at the University of Oxford, this time at New College. The topic for 2024 is “What is the future role of faith in the public square?” 

The colloquy promises to be a critical, challenging, and educational experience. It will be held at New College at the University of Oxford from April 7 to 12, 2024. Dr. Anthony Reddie, the first black theologian in the history of Oxford, will give the opening plenary. Dr. Alishia Jones, a professor of contemporary music from the University of Cambridge, will also provide a special lecture. 

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