I have been thinking about what it means to please the Lord and make life matter. Each of us wants to contribute something meaningful to the world. We want to do something that pleases the Lord. 
We can think of a few \”big names\” that we may identify as great contributors in one way or the other. Their legacies ring large in our minds to the extent that we often feel frail to rise to their level of meaningful contribution. 
Let me suggest that we not allow what we may consider \”big\” to intimidate us and snatch away opportunity for us to make a contribution.
Everything we do for the Lord is big even when it is small.
Let me explain this way. 
Last friday, a pastor friend reminded me of the story of the Boy and the Starfish. 1,000 starfish washed up on the beach. A little boy ran and started throwing them back into the water, one by one. His dad told him to stop doing that because there were too many to try to help. The boy was confused and a bit frustrated that his dad said there was no way to help them.
As the boy and his father walked along the beach, the boy was quiet and then turned and picked up one more starfish and threw him back in the water.
Then, the boy looked at his dad and said, \”Well, I helped that one!\”
The point of sharing this story is simple.
What you do matters!

Jesus promised his disciples that in the end:

\”The King will reply, \’Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.\’ Matthew 25:40

What you do matters!
Dr. Antipas
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This blog site is where I share matters related to society, the church, and the academy. I hope my thoughts are meaningful to you. Theology

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