\"YoungIf God puts something in you, it does not matter where you birth it. Just, bring it forth in due season, wherever you are!

This past weekend, I re-read Luke\’s account of the birth of Christ. Luke 2:6-7 caught my attention. 

While [Joseph and Mary] were [in Bethlehem], the time came for the baby to be born, and [Mary] gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them.

Isn\’t it amazing that the Savior of the world was born in a small town and in a context of undesirable conditions?     

Why would God choose a small town in the middle of nowhere for His only begotten Son\’s birth? After all, He is God! God created the whole earth. Why not a beautiful town with nature\’s beautiful gardens like Eden? One would think that God would choose a noble if not a notable location for this epic event. Yet, in God\’s divine irony, He chose an ignoble and insignificant small town for His Son\’s birth. 

Adding to the narrative, there was no availability at the inn for Mary to deliver the baby in a decent room. The only option available to Mary was a nearby cave. And, the only bed in which she could lay the newborn was an animal feeding trough (manger). 

Why would God allow His Son to be born in such debase conditions? 

As I reflected on this story, the Spirit revealed to me that God does not need elaborate conditions to birth His glory!

To borrow Paul\’s words, \”But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong\” 1 Corinthians 1:27.

What a lesson of encouragement to us! 

Many times, we may feel that our ideas are small; our resources are limited. Even worst, we may feel that conditions are not favorable to birth the vision that God has given us. 

Well, Jesus\’ birth narrative teaches us that significant limitations and unfavorable conditions create the right environment for revealing God\’s glory!

The people at the inn didn\’t know that Joseph didn\’t impregnate Mary; God did!

Who would have even thought the baby born to the peasant girl actually belonged to God?

By comparison, who would think that God would birth something out of you that belongs to Him?

Don\’t let size and tough conditions dictate to you what God can bring out of you. 

Don\’t allow closed doors to determine the value of what God places in you.

Let the naysayers talk; 

Let the lookers stare;

Let the ones who could help but choose not to help just go on their selfish way.

If God puts it in you, it does not matter where you birth it. 

That baby lying in the animal feeding trough on that solemn night in Bethlehem will one day fulfil God\’s promise of salvation to the world!

God is able to use you to make a global impact, regardless of where you start. 

Will you allow him?

We join the entire world that for centuries has marveled at Jesus\’ birth. In David\’s words,\”The LORD has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes\” Psalms 118:23. 

Blessings, Dr. Antipas

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