
Lonely? Are there people all around but you still feel lonely? Are you sad? Frustrated?

Have you ever felt that you are at your wit\’s end? I know — what\’s \”wit\’s end,\” right? It\’s an idiomatic expression for feeling totally exhausted, or confused; you have nothing left to give!

Well, I\’ve been there. I\’ve learned that when all else fails, you need somewhere to turn, someone to lean on, someone to talk to.

I often wonder what it must be like for people who don\’t believe in God. Life must be totally miserable!

Everybody needs somewhere to go, someone to lean on! We weren\’t meant to be alone. This is why family and community are so important.

But, there are spaces in each person\’s human experience where family and friends can\’t enter. If one doesn\’t have a spiritual life, one suffers from totally loneliness.

In those moments of potential loneliness, we realize how important community is. Yet, we must live in that space to learn what it means to have a friend like Jesus!

In 1895, Johnson Oatman, Jr wrote a powerful hymn,

There’s not a friend like the lowly Jesus,
No, not one! No, not one!
None else could heal all our soul’s diseases,
No, not one! No, not one!

Enjoy what it means to have Jesus as a personal friend!

Blessings, Dr. A

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This blog site is where I share matters related to society, the church, and the academy. I hope my thoughts are meaningful to you. Theology

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